New Updates on the Generation HD1 study - 14 10 2019
We are happy to share with you the latest news on the Generation HD 1 study from Roche.
In summary: the total number of participants will increase from 660 (already enrolled) to 801 and the study will be extended also to China.
This expansion will strengthen the clinical, scientific and statistical value of data relating to the two different dosages of drug being administered: one administration every eight weeks (2 months) versus one administration every 16 weeks (4 months), for an observation period of 25 months.
It is worth reminding that the study takes place in North America, South America, Europe, Japan and China: such a diversification in the involved population does not have a precedent in Huntington's Disease trials.
The Huntington community is close and supports the efforts of patients, researchers and of the sponsor in this joint venture to finally have a treatment available for HD.
More details in the Roche official communication.