Our Team
- Loris Belcastro
Computer engineer. Graduated at the Calabria University. Expert in the design and development of software, he has been working for several years in the field of cloud computing, data mining, parallel and distributed computing
- Ludovica Busi
Research biologist. Bachelor’s Degree in Biology at Università Statale di Milano. Study and work experience abroad.
- Melissa Casella
Scholarship Holder. Master's Degree in Applied Clinical Psychology and Health - Specialization in Clinical Psychology.
- Consuelo Ceccarelli
Observational studies study coordinator and rater. Master's Degree in Applied Clinical Psychology and Health - Specialization in Clinical Psychology
- Annalisa Convertino
Administrative Manager. Over the years she has gained important experience in the organization and coordination of administrative and accounting services which, together with an overall vision, concreteness and empathy, she puts at the service of the Foundation.
- Barbara D'Alessio
Executive Director. Graduated in Law at La Sapienza University in Rome, specializing in Marketing Management. She boasts more than ten years of experience in the management of non-profit organizations.
- Maria Gabriele
Secretary with many years of experience in the field of rare neurological diseases, she carrys out both clinical and scientific activities as secretary.
- Giulia Giancaterino
Neuropsychologist with experience in neurodegeneration. Master's Degree in Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychological Rehabilitation, Master in Clinical Neuropsychology.
- Sabrina Maffi
Psychologist - Graduated in Psychology at the University of Pavia, expert in clinical neuropsychology with experience in neurodegenerative diseases.
- Marta Scocchia
Master's Degree in Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychological Rehabilitation, Sapienza University of Rome. Specialization School in Cognitive-Neuropsychological Integrated Psychotherapy (in progress). Licensed to practice as a psychologist.
- Ferdinando Squitieri
Direttore Scientifico. Neurologo, con un dottorato di ricerca in neurobiologia. Si occupa di malattia di Huntington, anche nella sua forma giovanile, da oltre 30 anni.
E’ responsabile della Unità Huntington e Malattie Rare della Fondazione IRCCS Casa Sollievo Sofferenza di San Giovanni Rotondo e del Dipartimento di Neurologia dell’Istituto CSS Mendel di Roma. E’ anche co-fondatore e responsabile scientifico della Fondazione Lega Italiana Ricerca Huntington (LIRH), oltre che ricercatore associato del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche(CNR).