The Italian League for Research on Huntington Disease
our vision
We aspire to live in a world where Huntington's Disease is no longer frightening
our mission
We strive to ensure that patients with Huntington's Disease, people at risk and their families - whether they live in Italy or abroad - have access to appropriate and innovative therapies, receive adequate clinical and psychological care and live their conditions without being subject to prejudice or discrimination.
Our objectives
Our overall objective is to support scientific research in the field of rare neurodegenerative diseases. As a priority, the Foundation will encourage and strengthen translational biological and clinical research on Huntington's Disease and related diseases.
Promoting studies aimed at the prevention and treatment of Huntington's Disease
Making the disease known to Institutions, the media and society in general. Disseminate research's results
Promote access to the best possible care for people at risk, patients and their families
Contribute to the training of healthcare professionals to improve the condition of people with Huntington's disease
È nostro obiettivo generale il sostegno della ricerca scientifica nel campo delle malattie rare neurodegenerative. Prioritariamente, la Fondazione intende incoraggiare e rafforzare la ricerca biologica traslazionale e la ricerca clinica sulla malattia di Huntington e sulle malattie a questa correlate.
Promuovere studi finalizzati alla prevenzione e alla cura della malattia di Huntington
Far conoscere la malattia in tutta la sua complessità e diffondere i risultati della ricerca
Garantire la migliore assistenza possibile a chiunque ne abbia bisogno
Contribuire alla formazione degli specialisti e degli operatori sanitari
families assisted free of charge
project participants
toll-free number
calls per year
trasparency and sustainability
trasparency and sustainability
trasparency and sustainability
Ethics code
The Code of Ethics is the document that outlines the principles and values that inspire us in carrying out our activities. In addition to compliance with the law, our core value is ethics, meant as honesty and fairness towards patients, donors, members, institutions and all our stakeholders.