Huntington Disease and Yoga: online classes for caregivers
Giorgia has offered to make her positive yoga experience available to other people living in contact with Huntington's disease.
Giorgia has offered to make her positive yoga experience available to other people living in contact with Huntington's disease. We have collected his testimony:
Giorgia, how do you know Huntington's disease?
Huntington's disease has been present in my life since my birth, as my grandmother was affected by HD. Doctors initially confused it with Parkinson's; only later my mother discovered which disease it really was and we began to call it by its name, to investigate its nature and the ways in which it could manifest itself. We began to follow the research associations, including LIRH.
Where did the idea of organizing yoga classes come from?
When I became my mom's caregiver, the practice of Yoga was instrumental in managing anger and stress. Practice taught me to live in the present moment, to welcome the days as they were, without wanting something different at all costs. Letting go is another aspect that I have learned to look at from another point of view.
What do you want to say to those who has never practiced yoga, to encourage them to try?
The practice of yoga must be experienced directly in order to reap its benefits. Practicing yoga makes you feel more vital, eliminates back pain, headaches, improves health, the body becomes more flexible, it helps fight anxiety and depression, breathing, it helps manage emotions and some techniques of relaxation are very useful for who sufferis from insomnia. My advice is to try, accepting our limits and letting ourselves be guided by our potential with dedication and constancy.
Giorgia is available to hold yoga classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6.00 pm to 7.00 pm for classes from a minimum of 5 to a maximum of 10 people. The courses will take place online on a zoom platform. If you are interested in participating, write an email to info@lirh.it or call us at the toll-free number 800.388.330.