
The containment measures to control the spread of coronavirus have changed everyone's habits, including those of Huntington's families. The extension of the restrictive measures has determined huge changes in our daily lives and the difficulty reached balance risks now to fall apart . It is necessary to think about the consequences that a prolonged isolation can have on fragile people. 

European EHealth Care Model for Rare Neurodegenerative Diseases (Health-RNDis a three-year telemedicine project funded under the European JPND (Joint Programme - Neurodegenerative Disease Research) to six research centers in six different European countries: Charles University of Prague for the Czech Republic , Bloomfield Hospital for Ireland, IRCCS Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza for Italy, Leiden University Medical Center and Huntington Center Overduin for Holland, ULM University for Germany, Galen Research Institute of Manchester to the United Kingdom.

Huntington's Disease, ischemia and swallowing blockage: what to do?

Good evening.
My mom found out she had Huntington's chorea in 2004, as her 3 brothers did. She underwent genetic tests that confirmed the disease. Since then she has always refused any treatment. On 27/11/2016 she was affected by cerebral ischaemia and since then she has been treated at the Policlinico San Matteo in Pavia and then moved to the Maugeri Institute in Via Boezio in Pavia for rehabilitation. Since 14/02/2017 she passed to the Santa Margherita Institute in Pavia for the continuation of rehabilitation. As a matter of facts, ischemia has caused, among other things, the block of swallowing. Now we have been advised to evaluate a residential care unit (Residenza Sanitaria Assistenziale, RSA) for definitive hospitalization.
I wanted to ask you for advice on the best solution for my mother.
I thank you in advance.