




The SIGNAL trial began in 2015 in 20 centers across the United States, involving 301 patients with Huntington's disease in the early stages or not yet symptomatic .

The study was designed to test whether a drug called pepinemab (also known as VX15) produced by Vaccinex, was safe for people with HD, and whether it could slow the effects of HD, like changes to the brain, and difficulties with thinking, movements, and behavior. 


On the last September 16th and 17th 2020 we took part in the 'c4c Workshop for Patients and Patient Organizations' addressing aspects related to the ethical implications and regulatory aspects of children and young people (CYP) involvement in clinical trials. We also had the opportunity to discuss the methodology behind the design and the carrying out of a clinical trial, as well as the structure and contents of research protocols.



Evidence shows that the global number of people affected by Huntington will have to be reconsidered. The study was conducted by the LIRH Foundation in collaboration with the researchers of the Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza / Mendel coordinated by Ferdinando Squitieri.


Identified the Mmutated HTT and haplotype of the African ancestor who spread Huntington disease into the Middle East from sub-Saharan Africa , that at the beginning of the 1900s spread Huntington into the Middle East from South Africa,with determining in that area the highest concentration of HD Huntington and juvenile-onset Huntington disease in this part of the world, now identified.



In an official press release of June 3, 2020, Prilenia Therapeutics, a biotech company focused on developing new treatments for neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental disorders, announced that it has raised $ 62.5 million to fund two clinical trials, one in HD and one in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).

European EHealth Care Model for Rare Neurodegenerative Diseases (Health-RNDis a three-year telemedicine project funded under the European JPND (Joint Programme - Neurodegenerative Disease Research) to six research centers in six different European countries: Charles University of Prague for the Czech Republic , Bloomfield Hospital for Ireland, IRCCS Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza for Italy, Leiden University Medical Center and Huntington Center Overduin for Holland, ULM University for Germany, Galen Research Institute of Manchester to the United Kingdom